Our financial offerings are tailored to your needs
We offer financing options for solar solutions that are tailored to your specific needs.
Our team serves our clients as advisors: with each project, we make sure that you achieve both financial and energy goals. We partner with you to design a reliable energy solution that empowers your future
Capital Purchase
Capital Purchase
In our streamlined financing option, a customer purchases a solar installation with one of our renewable energy finance partners. Interest payments for the loan term which are deductible by state and federal tax incentives. The transaction is recorded on the customer’s balance sheet. This financing option is subject credit approval and requires a review of the customer’s finances.
Operating Lease
In an operating lease, the customer rents solar energy equipment from a finance partner at a fixed price, typically lower than current utility electrical rates. The financier owns the solar equipment and captures any available tax credits. The cost of the system is not recorded on the customer’s balance sheet, however, lease payments can be a tax deduction.
Operating lease terms are typically 7 years. At the end of the lease period, the customer purchases the solar installation at 15% of the original total system cost. Ideal Energy designs, constructs, and maintains the solar installation for the lease period. Operating leases are typically subject to credit approval and require a review of the customer’s finances.
Operating Lease
In an operating lease, the customer rents solar energy equipment from a finance partner at a fixed price, typically lower than current utility electrical rates. The financier owns the solar equipment and captures any available tax credits. The cost of the system is not recorded on the customer’s balance sheet, however, lease payments can be a tax deduction.
Operating lease terms are typically 7 years. At the end of the lease period, the customer purchases the solar installation at 15% of the original total system cost. Ideal Energy designs, constructs, and maintains the solar installation for the lease period. Operating leases are typically subject to credit approval and require a review of the customer’s finances.
Power Purchase Agreement
A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) allows a customer to purchase electricity generated by a solar installation over a contract period, typically 20 years. The cost per kWh generated is locked in at the beginning of the contract and provides consistent costs of electricity for the term of the agreement.
The solar is owned by a financier who contracts Ideal Energy to design, construct and maintain the array over the term of the agreement. The project financier benefits from all federal and state tax credits. The customer will have the option to purchase the solar equipment for a “buy-out” price at set times during the duration of the agreement.

Greg Vorhies
Owner, Schaus-Vorhies Manufacturing